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TERZA EDIZIONE - Un trattato finalizzato alle mutate necessità degli studenti del Corso di Laurea in Medicina e Chirurgia capace di coniugare semplicità e disponibilità a soddisfare qualunque curiosità scientifica e culturale
€ 133,00 instead of € 140,00
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Average customer rating: 3 stars
Total votes: 2

The text offer students a compact reference source for studying the mechanisms underlying the functioning of living beings, particularly in the animal kingdom

€ 66,50 instead of € 70,00
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Average customer rating: 0 stars
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TERZA EDIZIONE - Un trattato finalizzato alle mutate necessità degli studenti del Corso di Laurea in Medicina e Chirurgia capace di coniugare semplicità e disponibilità a soddisfare qualunque curiosità scientifica e culturale
€ 66,50 instead of € 70,00
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Average customer rating: 0 stars
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TERZA EDIZIONE - Un trattato finalizzato alle mutate necessità degli studenti del Corso di Laurea in Medicina e Chirurgia capace di coniugare semplicità e disponibilità a soddisfare qualunque curiosità scientifica e culturale
€ 66,50 instead of € 70,00
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Average customer rating: 0 stars
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Nell’opera si è cercato di mantenere un equilibrio tra le due anime in cui viene suddivisa la fisiologia, ovvero la fisiologia cellulare e quella d’organo e di sistema. In particolare si è proposta una visione integrata dei processi fisiologici
€ 66,50 instead of € 70,00
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Average customer rating: 0 stars
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This book covers a specific chapter of integrative physiology, which is usually neglected in physiology textbooks, and which has received little attention in the past as a dedicated subject of publication. Nice deep textbooks of altitude medicine or aviation and space medicine or diving medicine can be found, that cover the needs of highly specialised clinicians and investigators. However, to the best of our knowledge, this is the first time that the subject of human adaptation to special environments is proposed and treated in a comprehensive yet rigorous manner for the sake of a wider audience. The text acknowledges historical contributions, provides up-to-date information, describes separately basic and/or historical notions perhaps less treated than needed in classical textbooks, provides significant bibliographic material for a deeper study of the treated subjects, establishes continuous bridges between practice and physiological knowledge, and highlights special contributions from Italian investigators and institutions.

€ 57,00 instead of € 60,00
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Average customer rating: 0 stars
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This volume aims to provide students with as complete a picture as possible of what happens in the oral cavity

€ 57,00 instead of € 60,00
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Average customer rating: 0 stars
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This book is born of the authors’ many years of teaching and scientific experience. As a result of their undeniable expertise the contents of the book reflect the most advanced knowledge in the field of human physiology.
Divided into four main parts (Excitable tissues, Organ physiology, Interactions between organs and systems, Metabolism and the activity of muscles), the work stands out for its exhaustive content and rigorous approach, in which concepts of a more specialist nature are highlighted so as to distinguish them, as useful complementary material, from those that form the core of basic training in this subject. Completing this exhaustive work is a rich array of illustrations and diagrams in colour.
€ 53,20 instead of € 56,00
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Average customer rating: 0 stars
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Le più aggiornate conoscenze della materia sono proposte in modo completo, ma al tempo stesso conciso, affrontando gli argomenti sempre con chiarezza espositiva
€ 45,60 instead of € 48,00
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Average customer rating: 0 stars
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The model-based biology and physiology of human nutrition can be defined as the study of human biological phenomena related to the use of aliments, conducted through the application of models, i.e., theoretical schemes that can describe one or more related phenomena and highlight their essential characteristics. This is the approach adopted by Pietro M. Boselli, whose intention, with this book, is to offer a different and original approach to the study and interpretation of currently widely debated topics, namely diets and human nutrition.
€ 33,25 instead of € 35,00
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In questo volume sono descritti i fenomeni di trasporto della materia attraverso le membrane biologiche e i fenomeni elettrici e dell'eccitabilità cellulare, capitoli fondamentali per la comprensione delle funzioni più complesse, che spesso rappresen...
€ 10,45 instead of € 11,00
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Average customer rating: 0 stars
Total votes: 0


Le più aggiornate conoscenze della materia sono proposte in modo completo, ma al tempo stesso conciso, affrontando gli argomenti sempre con chiarezza espositiva
€ 40,79 instead of € 47,99
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Average customer rating: 0 stars
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