Fisiologia orale e dell'apparato stomatognatico - Oral Physiology and of the Stomatognathic Apparatus

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This volume, which approaches the study of issues closely related to the orofacial area through a detailed treatment, aims to provide students with as complete a picture as possible of what happens in the oral cavity.
• Physiology of the oral cavity: secretory functions, physiology and defence mechanisms of the intraoral territory, dental eruption, plaque and dental deposits, metabolism of calcium and phosphorous.
• Sensory aspects of the neurophysiology of the stomatognathic apparatus: mechanoceptive, nociceptive and thermoceptive sensitivity in the oral and intraoral areas and in the pulpdentin complex, taste and smell, sensory integration.
• Motor aspects of the neurophysiology of the stomatognathic apparatus: the mechanics and control of mastication, trigeminal reflexes, control of mandibular posture, swallowing and the gag reflex, protection of the airways, tongue movements, phonation.
Volume 21 x 29,7
Pages 288
Richly illustrated in colour
For Professors only: | University text sample copy request |
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