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Questo volume colma la lacuna relativa alla citologia nasale. È indirizzato a tutti gli specialisti delle vie respiratorie, quindi non solo Otorinolaringoiatri, ma anche Allergologi, Pneumologi e Pediatri
€ 57,00 instead of € 60,00
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In recent years cytology has grown in importance among the many medical specialties because of its demonstrated practical benefits
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This book illustrates, with the valuable support of pictures (around 450) and exercises (over 250), the practical basis for organising a Back School. In detail, the book looks at the six cornerstones of the author’s approach: antalgic and re-educational physical exercises; correct use of the spine; relaxation techniques; diet; lifestyle; habitual motor activity.
In short, the book approaches the question from a particular perspective, being devoted to the learning not of one method, but of many methods that can be offered to the patient in order to allow him to regain and maintain a state of wellbeing.
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This book covers a specific chapter of integrative physiology, which is usually neglected in physiology textbooks, and which has received little attention in the past as a dedicated subject of publication. Nice deep textbooks of altitude medicine or aviation and space medicine or diving medicine can be found, that cover the needs of highly specialised clinicians and investigators. However, to the best of our knowledge, this is the first time that the subject of human adaptation to special environments is proposed and treated in a comprehensive yet rigorous manner for the sake of a wider audience. The text acknowledges historical contributions, provides up-to-date information, describes separately basic and/or historical notions perhaps less treated than needed in classical textbooks, provides significant bibliographic material for a deeper study of the treated subjects, establishes continuous bridges between practice and physiological knowledge, and highlights special contributions from Italian investigators and institutions.

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Bases anatómicas, fisiológicas, fisiopatológicas y clínica necesarias para conocer el sistema linfático y sus enfermedades, con el objetivo de proporcionar las herramientas para desarrollar un tratamiento adecuado
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Los autores discuten las características técnicas básicas del procedimiento y se centran en la utilidad, tanto diagnóstica como de intervención, de la ecografía musculoesquelética en diferentes condiciones de salud
€ 57,00 instead of € 60,00
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This volume aims to provide students with as complete a picture as possible of what happens in the oral cavity

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The modes of operation and the applications of the various aquatic rehabilitation methods, derived from both scientific evidence taken from the most significant publications, as well as the practical experience of the authors
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Testo di riferimento per chi si occupa dell’apparato locomotore. I muscoli sono descritti per regione corporea e trattati singolarmente. Più di 800 figure a colori illustrano la posizione, le funzioni e i test di valutazione di ciascun muscolo.
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This handbook aims at providing a simple and updated tool for different professionals in birth centers

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L’incontinenza urinaria è una disfunzione comune a entrambi i sessi, benché sia due volte più frequente nelle donne, e la prevalenza aumenta con l’età.
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Questo volume propone le basi teoriche e pratiche per l’applicazione delle manovre di base del massaggio combinate a tecniche complementari, come le mobilizzazioni articolari, l’allungamento muscolare o lo stiramento miofasciale.
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Aside from drawing attention to the growing issues in the agenda of PRM physicians using MSUS, the authors also discuss basic technical features and focus on the both diagnostic and interventional utility of MSUS in different health conditions
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Un testo completo e generale sull’assistenza infermieristica in ambito medico-chirurgico del paziente adulto. Corredato di numerose illustrazioni e strutturato secondo un metodo sistematico
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La psicofarmacologia del bambino e dell’adolescente è un campo in rapida espansione nel quale si utilizzano estesamente i farmaci psicotropi. Tuttavia, le linee guida sul trattamento psicofarmacologico degli adulti non sono applicabili direttamente ai bam
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This text is a theoretical and practical introduction to the application of basic massage manoeuvres in combination with complementary techniques, such as joint mobilisation, muscle release and myofascial stretching
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Come e con quali tecniche trattare con efficacia i pazienti affetti da disturbi muscoloscheletrici della regione lombo-pelvica. Un’area web dedicata completa il libro
€ 57,00 instead of € 60,00
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La tossina botulinica è considerata il farmaco di scelta per la terapia della distonia cervicale, del blefarospasmo e dello spasmo emifacciale. Il suo utilizzo è indispensabile nella cura delle disabilità motorie, quali la spasticità da sindrome del ...
€ 57,00 instead of € 60,00
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Questo manuale rappresenta il testo più aggiornato e completo per il trattamento delle emergenze pediatriche. Basato sullo standard formativo utilizzato negli Stati Uniti, è stato studiato per la preparazione di operatori sanitari di qualsiasi livell...
€ 56,05 instead of € 59,00
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Calcografia, litografia e silografia: 3.500 voci sul mondo dell’incisione e della stampa d’arte con le informazioni sugli artisti, gli stampatori, gli studiosi, i collezionisti, le scuole, i profili storici delle diverse nazioni e delle regioni itali...
€ 55,10 instead of € 58,00
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