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Research in psychotherapy boasts a level of technical evolution and improvement (in terms of results) that few other areas of clinical psychology can match. Over the past twenty years, the psychological approach to mental disorders has altered radically on the basis of randomised controlled studies.This book aims to provide an overview of research applied to the treatment of the most widespread mental disorders. The aim of each of the chapters, after the two introductory ones, is to illustrate the most significant studies, also with reference to meta-analyses, thereby setting out the basis for the clinical application of techniques whose effectiveness has been demonstrated in given mental disorders.
The results of the controlled randomised studies, and of the meta-analyses deriving from them, are applied to patients within research protocols and provide indications on the efficacy of specific techniques. However, these data do not translate automatically to individual patients. Indeed, a technique believed to be effective on the basis of literature data may prove useless or inappropriate in a specific clinical situation. The application of scientific knowledge to the single patient, once a technique has been learned, constitutes the basis of clinical psychology.
We hope that this book may prove helpful and provide a stimulus for further exploration of these fundamental issues in the sphere of clinical psychology, especially in the context of masters degree programmes.
Giovanni Andrea Fava is ordinary professor of clinical psychology at the University of Bologna.
Silvana Grandi is ordinary professor of clinical psychology at the University of Bologna.
Chiara Rafanelli is associate professor of clinical psychology at the University of Bologna.
Volume 15,5 x 22,5 cm
Pagine 432
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