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Più di qualcuno la considera una forma d’arte. Se non una parte di sapere. Un centinaio di intellettuali, filosofi, sociologi, scrittori e docenti universitari di tutto il mondo hanno analiz-zato tutto ciò che può significare la parola «pornografia» ...
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Whoever is curious about the mechanisms of locomotion finds in this book the essential notions on the extremely fascinating “human machine”

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Nuova edizione aggiornata con le Linee guida, BLS e PBLS -AHA ed ERC 2005-2006 Soccorso preospedaliero è una guida teorico-pratica che intende fornire agli Operatori Sanitari e ai Volontari Soccorritori uno strumento per affrontare al meglio le eme...
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Questo libro semplice e conciso, concepito per comunicare la rilevanza pratica di alcuni concetti ed argomenti di statistica e di metodologia, è un utile strumento sia per il miglioramento dello standard qualitativo dei lavori comunemente pubblicati ...
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The assessment and classification of the mainly morphological characteristics of the human body, which is the focus of interest of anthropometry, can still today offer valuable support not only to the field of anthropology, but also to the different branches of clinical medicine: this book provides the reader with an extensive collection of standardised measurements, measurement procedures, anthropometric reference values and classical – yet still valid – techniques, and also looks at the many ways in which these can be applied in the fields of clinical medicine, rehabilitation and sports medicine.
The book is divided into three sections: anthropometric assessment and reference standards (measurements and measurement techniques used in anthropometry, skin folds, circumferences, diameters, lengths); topics of special interest, such as pubertal standards, constitutional anthropometry, the biological bases of personality and temperament, body composition; fields of application of anthropometry, from assessment of nutritional status to auxological anthropometry.
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Un testo corredato da videocassetta sull'avviamento al lavoro collettivo (squadra) realizzato da due Autrici che sono state nel contempo tecniche nazionali di ginnastica ritmica sportiva e insegnanti di scuola e hanno trasferito le loro capacità tecn...
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Il manuale, attraverso una trattazione concisa e rigorosa, offre una chiara visione della specialità medica e costituisce un valido aggiornamento per il professionista.
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Entirely devoted to the realisation of static and dynamic orthoses, the book opens with a description of the theoretical bases of the makingup techniques before moving to examine, in great detail and with the support of around 450 illustrations, the design and working stages. The book also contains 24 technical tables (explanatory text and colour photographs) on the realisation of orthoses.
The only handbook on this topic, and aimed both at students and at professionals, this book constitutes a response to the need to offer effective instruction to operators requiring technical support in the practical making up of orthoses for the patient.
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Una delle difficoltà che il medico deve essere in grado di affrontare è la lettura dei risultati di una ricerca scientifica, interpretandoli correttamente rispetto alla specifica situazione cui i dati si riferiscono. Il libro, grazie a una esposizion...
€ 34,34 instead of € 36,15
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In questo testo viene proposta una visione aggiornata dello sviluppo di una scienza che si rinnova ininterrottamente attraverso la revisione e lo sviluppo di concetti ritenuti immutabili. Interessante l'approccio alla chimica organica, volto innanzit...
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€ 33,36 instead of € 35,12
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Obiettivo del volume è di fornire ai medici di base, agli specialisti internisti, ortopedici, reumatologi, endocrinologi, ginecologi, geriatri, ai medici ospedalieri e ambulatoriali uno strumento agile, di facile e immediata consultazione, al quale e...
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The model-based biology and physiology of human nutrition can be defined as the study of human biological phenomena related to the use of aliments, conducted through the application of models, i.e., theoretical schemes that can describe one or more related phenomena and highlight their essential characteristics. This is the approach adopted by Pietro M. Boselli, whose intention, with this book, is to offer a different and original approach to the study and interpretation of currently widely debated topics, namely diets and human nutrition.
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This book examines simply, but with scientific accuracy and rigour, concepts useful to all those involved in sports medicine. As well as highlighting the problem of doping, it looks at how blood tests could be used to assess the state of health of professional and amateur athletes and makes it possible for non specialists to interpret them.
The book is aimed at doctors specialising in sports medicine, sports coaches, and pathologists interested in exploring the field of laboratory medicine applied to sport.
The practical usefulness of this book derives from the fact that it is an up-to-date and well-sourced treatise that draws on an extensive bibliography of the topic of haematology applied to sport. It is a text that fills a scientific and didactic gap at a time when this topic is very much to the fore.
The book has a first part, which is devoted to laboratory tests, and a second part, which looks at the ways in which sporting activity can modify haematological laboratory parameters.
€ 33,25 instead of € 35,00
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171 tavole a colori.Una rappresentazione compendiaria della scienza farmacologica, sia con le parole, sia attraverso le immagini.Un indispensabile stumento di studio per ogni studente di medicina, farmacologia e odontoiatria. Un utile manuale di cons...
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Non c’è dubbio che il progresso della medicina abbia bisogno di ricerche cliniche per adottare i trattamenti più vantaggiosi, per individuare i percorsi diagnostici più appropriati, per caratterizzare i fattori di rischio di una certa malattia e per ...
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In orthodontics, the dental hygienist plays a very important role in the management of fixed orthopaedic and/or orthodontic appliances. This book, which is handy and easy to consult, looks at areas of specific interest to the dental hygienist: from orthodontic products to the various aids useful for a correct diagnostic approach and in the planning of a therapeutic strategy (impressions, studio models, photographs and set ups). These are analysed through guidelines, operating procedures and suggestions that are of real practical use to the reader.
Finally, the book tackles, directly and giving clear and practical suggestions, the problem of the oral hygiene of the orthodontic patient and the role of the dental hygienist in what – along with a correct therapeutic programme – emerges as the orthodontist’s main objective: the achievement and maintenance of an excellent level of oral hygiene at home, a fundamental requisite for starting and successfully completing any orthodontic treatment.
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I risultati forniti dalla ricerca epidemiologica negli ultimi trent’anni hanno contribuito a sfatare il mito della schizofrenia come disturbo a esito ineluttabilmente infausto. Il testo non intende essere una revisione sistematica dell’ormai ampia le...
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