La locomozione umana su terra, in acqua, in aria - Human locomotion on land, in water and in air
Facts and Theories
Second Edition

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Thirty years after the first edition, appreciated all around the world and translated also into Japanese, this new edition of professor Pietro E. di Prampero largely follows its track, leaving another fundamental contribution to human locomotion science. In this second edition, besides updating and expanding on several subjects of energetics and biomechanics of human locomotion, new topics are presented: energetic cost of running in acceleration and deceleration, energetic analysis of world records in swimming and flat running, construction of a structure that allows to achieve maximum absolute velocity on human-powered vehicles, analysis of natural gait in patients affected by neurological pathologies, or after hip or knee prosthesis. Whoever is curious about the mechanisms of locomotion finds in this book the essential notions on the extremely fascinating “human machine”: after a close examination of the fundamental biochemical and thermodynamic mechanisms of muscle contraction and energetics of muscle work, according to age and sex, the book discusses human locomotion on land, in water and in air (heel-and-toe walk and running, speed skating and cycling; swimming, rowing, canoeing, kayaking, gondola and bissa; human-powered flying).
Volume 21x29,5 cm
Pages 224
Richly illustrated in colour
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