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Trattato di Anatomia Umana (3 volumi) - Anatomia Topografica (1 volume) - Atlante di anatomia umana (1 volume) Consultazione a tempo dei 5 volumi (e-book) - Risorse digitali sulla piattaforma Virtual Campus
€ 346,75 instead of € 365,00
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Treatise on Human Anatomy (3 volumes) - Topographic Approach, (1 volume) - Atlas (1 volume) Fixed-time access to the digital editions of the all 5 books Fixed-time access to the web platform Virtual Campus
€ 346,75 instead of € 365,00
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Scopo dell’opera è quindi fornire solide basi teoriche e pratiche, grazie alle quali il clinico potrà sviluppare la flessibilità mentale necessaria ad affrontare con serietà e serenità la pratica quotidiana e le sfide future.

€ 209,00 instead of € 220,00
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L'integrazione senza soluzione di continuità di fondamenti scientifici, protocolli clinici e recenti sviluppi nella ricerca accresce la già straordinaria reputazione di questo testo come riferimento per la parodontologia
€ 209,00 instead of € 220,00
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Un libro nel quale tutti i medici che si occupano di infanzia e di adolescenza troveranno una guida professionale, scientifica, sperimentata e sicura
€ 180,50 instead of € 190,00
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€ 171,00 instead of € 180,00
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There has been enormous progress in hand surgery over the past decade, even leading to hand transplantation, an exceptional achievement given the unique nature of this body part in terms of its nerve supply and elastic properties. Essentially, the field of hand surgery and microsurgery is concerned with the following areas: congenital malformations, acquired diseases and traumatology. Each of these areas involves the application of the techniques of plastic surgery, particularly reconstructive plastic surgery, and of orthopaedics.
This textbook, to which leading experts have contributed, covers semeiotics and diagnostics, traumatic and non-traumatic pathologies, treatment, surgical techniques, rehabilitation, and hand prostheses and ortheses. Richly illustrated, this is an ideal reference book for surgeons, orthopaedics specialists, physiatrists and physical therapists.
€ 152,00 instead of € 160,00
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Il testo passa in rassegna i vari aspetti della disabilità, correlandoli con i differenti tipi di interventi che normalmente si eseguono in odontoiatria
€ 152,00 instead of € 160,00
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In questo atlante, presa dopo presa, la terapia manuale diventa comprensibile. Tutte le tecniche di base della terapia manuale sono illustrate attraverso testi e immagini, secondo la regione corporea interessata...
€ 152,00 instead of € 160,00
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This atlas is not just a collection of pictures and diagrams, but is designed to present, in an original and innovative way, the variety of cells that make up the haemopoietic system and to illustrate extensively their function and pathology, taking into account the most recent acquisitions in the fields of biochemistry, biology and molecular genetics.
Indeed, this third edition of the atlas (like, and indeed even more than the previous ones) fulfils the need to reflect, through the updating of its contents and the wealth and freshness of its illustrations, advances made in haematology and in the related medical-scientific disciplines.
New names have been added to the list of specialists collaborating on this project, guaranteeing the continued scientific value of the text, while the updating of the illustrations is intended to improve still further its capacity for visual communication.
From a review by Robert S. Schwartz, MD, NEJM, Sept 04: “This spectacular atlas, the finest in its class, emerged from the collaboration of a stellar group of experts who have skillfully woven a profusion of light, electron, and scanning photomicrographs, along with diagrams and tables, into the grand tapestry of hematology as we understand it today.....”
€ 142,50 instead of € 150,00
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The entire book was conceived to offer a clear delineation of the knowledge it contains, and to support the work of both those who are new to orthodontics, as well as seasoned professionals
€ 142,50 instead of € 150,00
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Despite being well over 100 years old, the electrocardiogram continues to be the instrumental diagnostic method of choice among cardiologists and, unlike other investigations, it has been little affected by the advance of technology. Indeed, ECGs recorded many decades ago differ only slightly, if at all, from those recorded today.

€ 140,60 instead of € 148,00
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Il testo è nato come omaggio a Leo Schamrot, figura di notevole spessore che ha rappresentato per l’Autore una guida professionale. Oltre che lo stesso titolo, il libro ha anche la medesima impostazione di quello di Schamrot: un volume di sola teoria...
€ 137,75 instead of € 145,00
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TERZA EDIZIONE - Un trattato finalizzato alle mutate necessità degli studenti del Corso di Laurea in Medicina e Chirurgia capace di coniugare semplicità e disponibilità a soddisfare qualunque curiosità scientifica e culturale
€ 133,00 instead of € 140,00
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Average customer rating: 3 stars
Total votes: 2

“Human Anatomy - Multimedial Interactive Atlas” is made of a paper Atlas and a web platform (Virtual Campus), combining an innovative learning strategy for anatomy
€ 118,75 instead of € 125,00
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L’Atlante di anatomia ecocardiografica trova una precisa collocazione nell’insegnamento dell’ecocardiografia clinica. Partendo dal concetto che la cardiologia si basa su un’approfondita conoscenza anatomica del cuore normale e patologica, il testo in...
€ 117,75 instead of € 123,95
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Il Textbook of Interventional Cardiology è già da tempo il manuale di riferimento per i cardiologi interventisti; questa edizione è anche un utile riferimento per i cardiologi clinici che sono interessati alle indicazioni delle metodiche interventist...
€ 117,75 instead of € 123,95
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Prescrivere uno psicofarmaco in età evolutiva costituisce una grande scommessa scientifica, di cui bisognerebbe valutare gli estremi altamente variabili a seconda del singolo soggetto in cura. Questo libro, a differenza degli altri lavori apparsi fin...
€ 117,75 instead of € 123,95
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1001 consigli in ortodonzia: più di mille fotografie cliniche di eccellente qualità che illustrano “diversi modi per fare la stessa cosa”, cioè i vari metodi per risolvere un morso chiuso, aperto o crociato, le differenti tecniche per distalizzare i ...
€ 114,00 instead of € 120,00
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Human Anatomy - Multimedial Interactive Atlas is made of a paper support and a web platform (Virtual Campus), combining an innovative learning strategy for anatomy

€ 114,00 instead of € 120,00
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Average customer rating: 0 stars
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