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There has been enormous progress in hand surgery over the past decade, even leading to hand transplantation, an exceptional achievement given the unique nature of this body part in terms of its nerve supply and elastic properties. Essentially, the field of hand surgery and microsurgery is concerned with the following areas: congenital malformations, acquired diseases and traumatology. Each of these areas involves the application of the techniques of plastic surgery, particularly reconstructive plastic surgery, and of orthopaedics.
This textbook, to which leading experts have contributed, covers semeiotics and diagnostics, traumatic and non-traumatic pathologies, treatment, surgical techniques, rehabilitation, and hand prostheses and ortheses. Richly illustrated, this is an ideal reference book for surgeons, orthopaedics specialists, physiatrists and physical therapists.
€ 152,00 instead of € 160,00
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In questo atlante, presa dopo presa, la terapia manuale diventa comprensibile. Tutte le tecniche di base della terapia manuale sono illustrate attraverso testi e immagini, secondo la regione corporea interessata...
€ 152,00 instead of € 160,00
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Dalla 3ª Conferenza internazionale sull’incontinenza è emersa ancor di più l’importanza di un approccio multidisciplinare ai disturbi pelvici e alle cure per la continenza, alla luce di ricerche più recenti dimostranti come l’incontinenza urinaria co...
€ 90,25 instead of € 95,00
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Uno strumento utile di problem solving in tutte quelle situazioni che quotidianamente in ospedale, negli ambulatori o nelle palestre di riabilitazione ci troviamo ad affrontare.
€ 85,50 instead of € 90,00
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Average customer rating: 3 stars
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Il testo presenta modalità di applicazione e benefici del Taping NeuroMuscolare nel drenaggio postchirurgico, postraumatico e nel trattamento delle infezioni
€ 85,50 instead of € 90,00
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Questo libro è uno strumento indispensabile per chi sta acquisendo le tecniche del Taping neuromuscolare, fornendo risposte chiare alle domande più frequenti
€ 85,50 instead of € 90,00
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La terapia neurale secondo Huneke fa parte di quelle cure comprese nel termine “medicina complementare”: agisce attraverso il sistema nervoso autonomo o vegetativo e si fonda su un tipo di approccio globale al dolore mediante tecniche particolari di ...
€ 85,50 instead of € 90,00
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This sports injuries handbook is aimed essentially at doctors working “on the field” and at the whole team looking after the athletes, to enable them to understand symptoms rapidly and put in place the correct diagnostic and therapeutic strategies to deal with sports injuries.
The book is divided into sections on the different districts of the body (spine; shoulder; elbow; wrist and hand; pelvis, hip and thigh; knee, leg, ankle and foot), examining the sports pathologies associated with each of them, the aetiopathogenetic mechanisms associated with the different sporting disciplines, immediate diagnosis on the field and instrumental diagnostic procedures to be undertaken in hospital, immediate and definitive therapies, rehabilitation, and criteria governing the athlete’s return to his or her sporting activities.
€ 85,50 instead of € 90,00
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Il volume – manuale pratico – è stato strutturato in modo sistematico, partendo dai principi fondamentali alla base della valutazione clinica in ambito neuro-muscolo-scheletrico, dall’intervista alla diagnosi funzionale, percorrendo le leggi delle probabi
€ 85,50 instead of € 90,00
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This volume takes a complete and critical look at the most significant proposals in the field of movement reeducation therapies for scoliosis, scoliotic postures and low back pain disorders, all common spinal pathologies. As well as outlining the theories of the various schools of thought and the major kinesiological, biomechanical and neurophysiological concepts relating to movement and, in particular, to the spine, the book contains numerous exercises, presented through over 400 illustrations (photos and figures).
This book is a complete work, easy to understand and driven by important practical aims, but, rather provocatively, it leaves the final choice of exercises up to the reader, given that these are meant to be adapted to the patient and his/her own condition, not the other way round.
€ 76,00 instead of € 80,00
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Il testo illustra e descrive nel dettaglio i passaggi posturali, gli esercizi e gli strumenti valutativi che, in sequenza progressiva, sono necessari per una corretta verticalizzazione del paziente
€ 76,00 instead of € 80,00
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In questo atlante, presa dopo presa, la terapia manuale diventa comprensibile. Tutte le tecniche di base della terapia manuale sono illustrate attraverso testi e immagini, secondo la regione corporea interessata...
€ 76,00 instead of € 80,00
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In questo atlante, presa dopo presa, la terapia manuale diventa comprensibile. Tutte le tecniche di base della terapia manuale sono illustrate attraverso testi e immagini, secondo la regione corporea interessata...
€ 76,00 instead of € 80,00
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This book represents a useful problem-solving tool to deal with everyday situations – in hospitals, clinics or rehabilitation gyms

€ 66,50 instead of € 70,00
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La palpazione dell’apparato locomotore costituisce, anche per i terapisti di più consolidata esperienza, una vera e propria “sfida”, mentre il processo di apprendimento delle tecniche si configura come un lungo percorso caratterizzato da esercizi, ri...
€ 61,75 instead of € 65,00
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Questo testo, specificamente indirizzato a chi si occupi di riabilitazione neurologica, è pensato per fornire strumenti d’interpretazione dei segni, inconsapevolmente espressi dal paziente attraverso il suo corpo
€ 61,75 instead of € 65,00
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This book illustrates, with the valuable support of pictures (around 450) and exercises (over 250), the practical basis for organising a Back School. In detail, the book looks at the six cornerstones of the author’s approach: antalgic and re-educational physical exercises; correct use of the spine; relaxation techniques; diet; lifestyle; habitual motor activity.
In short, the book approaches the question from a particular perspective, being devoted to the learning not of one method, but of many methods that can be offered to the patient in order to allow him to regain and maintain a state of wellbeing.
€ 57,00 instead of € 60,00
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L’incontinenza urinaria è una disfunzione comune a entrambi i sessi, benché sia due volte più frequente nelle donne, e la prevalenza aumenta con l’età.
€ 57,00 instead of € 60,00
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Questo volume propone le basi teoriche e pratiche per l’applicazione delle manovre di base del massaggio combinate a tecniche complementari, come le mobilizzazioni articolari, l’allungamento muscolare o lo stiramento miofasciale.
€ 57,00 instead of € 60,00
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This text is a theoretical and practical introduction to the application of basic massage manoeuvres in combination with complementary techniques, such as joint mobilisation, muscle release and myofascial stretching
€ 57,00 instead of € 60,00
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