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Bases anatómicas, fisiológicas, fisiopatológicas y clínica necesarias para conocer el sistema linfático y sus enfermedades, con el objetivo de proporcionar las herramientas para desarrollar un tratamiento adecuado
€ 46,74 instead of € 54,99
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The techniques of manual lymphatic drainage and their practical application, with the description of the multilayer compression bandaging, decongestive exercises, therapeutic measures essential to the overall treatment of lymphedema
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The modes of operation and the applications of the various aquatic rehabilitation methods, derived from both scientific evidence taken from the most significant publications, as well as the practical experience of the authors
€ 42,49 instead of € 49,99
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Aside from drawing attention to the growing issues in the agenda of PRM physicians using MSUS, the authors also discuss basic technical features and focus on the both diagnostic and interventional utility of MSUS in different health conditions
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The modes of operation and the applications of the various aquatic rehabilitation methods, derived from both scientific evidence taken from the most significant publications, as well as the practical experience of the authors
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Le modalità operative e le applicazioni pratiche della riabilitazione in acqua basandosi sulle evidenze scientifiche tratte dalle pubblicazioni più significative del settore e sulle esperienze pratiche degli Autori
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Una introducción teórica y práctica a la aplicación de las maniobras básicas de masaje en combinación con técnicas complementarias, tales como la movilización de las articulaciones, liberación miofascial y estiramiento muscular
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Questo volume propone le basi teoriche e pratiche per l’applicazione delle manovre di base del massaggio combinate a tecniche complementari, come le mobilizzazioni articolari, l’allungamento muscolare o lo stiramento miofasciale.
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This text leads specialists on an extensive trip around human body with specific emphasis on most frequent problems in adults as well as in children. This book is strongly recommend both as a place to start and as a text to refer

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Average customer rating: 3 stars
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This text is a theoretical and practical introduction to the application of basic massage manoeuvres in combination with complementary techniques, such as joint mobilisation, muscle release and myofascial stretching
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Una guida rapida di riferimento sui concetti chiave e sulle basi teoriche del dry needling, lo strumento ideale per il trattamento dei trigger point miofasciali negli adulti
€ 38,24 instead of € 44,99
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Il testo si pone l’obiettivo di aiutare i professionisti a identificare le disfunzioni correlate alla fascia e di implementare le loro conoscenze, illustrando le tecniche e gli approcci di trattamento più accreditati
€ 38,24 instead of € 44,99
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Manuale di rapida consultazione che insegna a gestire il dolore acuto e cronico attraverso il trattamento dei noduli dolorosi o sensibili al dolore che si formano nelle fibre muscolari e nei tessuti connettivi.
€ 33,14 instead of € 38,99
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Più di settanta differenti esempi di applicazione del bendaggio funzionale, illustrati da più di mille fotografie. La descrizione di ciascun bendaggio
€ 25,49 instead of € 29,99
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More than seventy different examples of the application of functional bandages with extreme clarity and efficacy, illustrated by over a thousand images
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Clear information and practical recommendations to organize exercise programs oriented to improve the quality of life of people with mental health problems

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Más de 70 ejemplos diferentes de aplicación del vendaje funcional con extrema claridad y eficacia, ilustradas por más de mil imágenes
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The text in addition the theoretical and practical handbook offers an anthology of exercises (about 80, explained and illustrated) which are characteristic of the Rovatti Method®, exploring the modes of execution, principles, and corrective objectives
€ 21,24 instead of € 24,99
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Utile guida pratica tanto per i professionisti sanitari quanto per gli studenti dei corsi di laurea in fisioterapia, infermieristica e per i corsi di operatore socio-sanitario
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Il manuale propone, oltre all’illustrazione dei principî teorici, un’antologia di esercizi (circa 80, spiegati e illustrati) fondamentali e caratterizzanti il Metodo Rovatti®: modalità di esecuzione, principî e obiettivi correttivi
€ 21,24 instead of € 24,99
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