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“Anatomía humana – Atlas interactivo multimedia” está hecho de un apoyo en papel y de una plataforma web (Virtual Campus) combinando una estrategia de aprendizaje innovadora para la anatomía
€ 45,00
Average customer rating: 0 stars
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Una presentazione degli argomenti semplice e completa e una trattazione chiara e rigorosa sono le caratteristiche di quest’opera che conduce all’apprendimento dell’Anatomia umana
€ 42,75 instead of € 45,00
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Average customer rating: 0 stars
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“Human Anatomy - Multimedial Interactive Atlas” is made of a paper Atlas and a web platform (Virtual Campus), combining an innovative learning strategy for anatomy
€ 42,75 instead of € 45,00
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Average customer rating: 0 stars
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A practical and flexible book on human anatomy in which the subject matter is presented smoothly and fluently, without excessive theorising. The book features high-quality illustrations and systematic grouping of topics. It covers the basic principles of cytology and histology as well as giving a complete description of the human body. The information is set out as simply as possible while still conveying the all the essential aspects of human anatomy.
€ 38,00 instead of € 40,00
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Average customer rating: 0 stars
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Il volume è un prezioso strumento per i centri che si avvicinano al trattamento dei pazienti con patologia dell’aorta toracoaddominale nello sviluppo di protocolli razionali per la prevenzione dell’ischemia midollare
€ 38,00 instead of € 40,00
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Average customer rating: 0 stars
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Questo volume descrive l’essenziale del Sistema Nervoso Periferico, soffermandosi su ciò che lo studente deve apprendere in una visione propedeutica alle varie discipline mediche.
€ 38,00 instead of € 40,00
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Average customer rating: 0 stars
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“Anatomía humana – Atlas interactivo multimedia” está hecho de un apoyo en papel y de una plataforma web (Virtual Campus) combinando una estrategia de aprendizaje innovadora para la anatomía
€ 30,00
Average customer rating: 0 stars
Total votes: 0

“Human Anatomy - Multimedial Interactive Atlas” is made of a paper Atlas and a web platform (Virtual Campus), combining an innovative learning strategy for anatomy
€ 28,50 instead of € 30,00
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Average customer rating: 0 stars
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Il Pilates è un metodo di esercizio fisico ideato per distendere e rinforzare il corpo e che dà evidenza a fattori quali l’equilibrio, l’allineamento, l’esatta respirazione e la stabilità del centro (core). Si tratta di un metodo semplice e a basso i...
€ 25,65 instead of € 27,00
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Average customer rating: 0 stars
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Una ricca proposta di domande a risposta multipla rappresenta per lo studente un insostituibile strumento di autovalutazione durante la preparazione dell’esame di anatomia umana
€ 25,65 instead of € 27,00
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Questa nuova edizione mantiene la struttura della precedente, ma è stata ampiamente rivista e aggiornata: la discussione delle caratteristiche delle ossa, delle articolazioni e dei muscoli è seguita dalla trattazione della struttura anatomica e della...
€ 19,00 instead of € 20,00
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Average customer rating: 0 stars
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“Anatomía humana – Atlas interactivo multimedia” está hecho de un apoyo en papel y de una plataforma web (Virtual Campus) combinando una estrategia de aprendizaje innovadora para la anatomía
€ 63,74 instead of € 74,99
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Average customer rating: 0 stars
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Anatomia Umana - Atlante si avvale di un supporto cartaceo e di una piattaforma web (Virtual Campus), combinati in modo innovativo per l’apprendimento dell’anatomia
€ 63,74 instead of € 74,99
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Average customer rating: 0 stars
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“Human Anatomy - Multimedial Interactive Atlas” is made of a paper Atlas and a web platform (Virtual Campus), combining an innovative learning strategy for anatomy
€ 63,74 instead of € 74,99
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Average customer rating: 0 stars
Total votes: 0

This volume contains chapters by all those international innovators and thought leaders who have contributed the most to recent improvements in the management of aortic diseases
€ 55,24 instead of € 64,99
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This gem of a book on aortic dissection brings together as authors all the superstars in the field. The volume contains the most thorough and up-to date information on this disease entity and its treatment.
€ 50,99 instead of € 59,99
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Average customer rating: 0 stars
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Quest'opera si pone come base per acquisire le conoscenze sulla morfologia descrittiva e funzionale e per valutare i principali passaggi evolutivi per i diversi sistemi: in tre parole, forma, funzione ed evoluzione
€ 42,49 instead of € 49,99
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Average customer rating: 0 stars
Total votes: 0

“Human Anatomy - Multimedial Interactive Atlas” is made of a paper Atlas and a web platform (Virtual Campus), combining an innovative learning strategy for anatomy
€ 42,49 instead of € 49,99
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Average customer rating: 0 stars
Total votes: 0

€ 38,24 instead of € 44,99
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Average customer rating: 0 stars
Total votes: 0

€ 38,24 instead of € 44,99
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Average customer rating: 0 stars
Total votes: 0