This book examines simply, but with scientific accuracy and rigour, concepts useful to all those involved in sports medicine. As well as highlighting the problem of doping, it looks at how blood tests could be used to assess the state of health of professional and amateur athletes and makes it possible for non specialists to interpret them. The book is aimed at doctors specialising in sports medicine, sports coaches, and pathologists interested in exploring the field of laboratory medicine applied to sport. The practical usefulness of this book derives from the fact that it is an up-to-date and well-sourced treatise that draws on an extensive bibliography of the topic of haematology applied to sport. It is a text that fills a scientific and didactic gap at a time when this topic is very much to the fore. The book has a first part, which is devoted to laboratory tests, and a second part, which looks at the ways in which sporting activity can modify haematological laboratory parameters.