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Nato dall’esigenza di fornire una sintetica visione d’insieme dell’istologia agli studenti di Medicina veterinaria, proponendo gli argomenti essenziali da rivedere in preparazione dell’esame di Stato, il libro, di cui occorre sottolineare l’impostazi...
€ 15,20 instead of € 16,00
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“Anatomía humana – Atlas interactivo multimedia” está hecho de un apoyo en papel y de una plataforma web (Virtual Campus) combinando una estrategia de aprendizaje innovadora para la anatomía
€ 63,74 instead of € 74,99
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Anatomia Umana - Atlante si avvale di un supporto cartaceo e di una piattaforma web (Virtual Campus), combinati in modo innovativo per l’apprendimento dell’anatomia
€ 63,74 instead of € 74,99
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“Human Anatomy - Multimedial Interactive Atlas” is made of a paper Atlas and a web platform (Virtual Campus), combining an innovative learning strategy for anatomy
€ 63,74 instead of € 74,99
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This volume contains chapters by all those international innovators and thought leaders who have contributed the most to recent improvements in the management of aortic diseases
€ 55,24 instead of € 64,99
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This gem of a book on aortic dissection brings together as authors all the superstars in the field. The volume contains the most thorough and up-to date information on this disease entity and its treatment.
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Quest'opera si pone come base per acquisire le conoscenze sulla morfologia descrittiva e funzionale e per valutare i principali passaggi evolutivi per i diversi sistemi: in tre parole, forma, funzione ed evoluzione
€ 42,49 instead of € 49,99
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“Human Anatomy - Multimedial Interactive Atlas” is made of a paper Atlas and a web platform (Virtual Campus), combining an innovative learning strategy for anatomy
€ 42,49 instead of € 49,99
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Puente entre la anatomía del sistema locomotor y la cinesiología, es decir, la ciencia que estudia el movimiento humano racional activo en todas sus formas
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€ 38,24 instead of € 44,99
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Average customer rating: 0 stars
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€ 38,24 instead of € 44,99
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Average customer rating: 0 stars
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“Human Anatomy - Multimedial Interactive Atlas” is made of a paper Atlas and a web platform (Virtual Campus), combining an innovative learning strategy for anatomy
€ 38,24 instead of € 44,99
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Neuroanatomia nel contesto clinico fornisce tutto ciò di cui si necessita per conoscere a fondo l’anatomia del sistema nervoso centrale in ambito clinico
€ 38,24 instead of € 44,99
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Ponte di collegamento tra l’anatomia del sistema locomotore e la cinesiologia, ovvero la scienza che studia il movimento umano razionale attivo in tutte le sue forme
€ 33,99 instead of € 39,99
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€ 25,49 instead of € 29,99
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“Human Anatomy - Multimedial Interactive Atlas” is made of a paper Atlas and a web platform (Virtual Campus), combining an innovative learning strategy for anatomy
€ 25,49 instead of € 29,99
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Average customer rating: 0 stars
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Il testo si concentra specificamente sull'anatomia della cavità toracica e del cuore per approfondirne i vari aspetti
€ 16,99 instead of € 19,99
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