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Il volume presenta una delle sindromi sinora meno riconosciute o facilmente individuate di abusi infantili. Solitamente condotti dalle madri, questi tipi di abusi vengono spesso confusi con malattie di vario genere, tutte persistenti o recidive o cro...
€ 38,76 instead of € 40,80
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Notevoli sono stati i progressi in questi ultimi anni, nel campo della protesizzazione: l’amputazione non è più considerata come un evento finale, ma come la fase iniziale di un programma di trattamento.
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A practical and flexible book on human anatomy in which the subject matter is presented smoothly and fluently, without excessive theorising. The book features high-quality illustrations and systematic grouping of topics. It covers the basic principles of cytology and histology as well as giving a complete description of the human body. The information is set out as simply as possible while still conveying the all the essential aspects of human anatomy.
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The Back School is presented as the most effective and lasting method for treating spinal pain. It is based on an educational, preventive and therapeutic approach to the patient, who is no longer seen as a passive subject who merely submits to what is prescribed, but rather as the key actor, who plays an active and conscious part in his or her own treatment.
The aim of the book, which integrates and complements “Back School - Neck School - Bone School. Planning, organising, conducting and verifying” (by the same author), is to teach specific working programmes for different spinal pathologies: spondylolisthesis, spinal stenosis, lumboischialgic pain due to disc hernia or protrusion, discectomy, painful scoliosis, etc.
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Questo volume prende le mosse da ricerche basate sull’evidenza per offrire un punto di partenza all’indagine sulla secchezza orale e sulle modalità terapeutiche disponibili per affrontarla
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Tutti gli interventi sui denti causano reazioni nei tessuti della bocca coinvolti nelle operazioni ed è, pertanto, essenziale che chi li esegue possieda una profonda conoscenza della struttura dei tessuti. I progressi delle tecniche odontoiatriche si...
€ 38,00 instead of € 40,00
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Il volume è un prezioso strumento per i centri che si avvicinano al trattamento dei pazienti con patologia dell’aorta toracoaddominale nello sviluppo di protocolli razionali per la prevenzione dell’ischemia midollare
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Measuring and quantifying the phenomena we observe is a priority not only in the field of scientific research, but also in clinical practice: research leads to application.
This book brings together both the anatomical-physiological bases of hand and arm movement, and the methods for its evaluation, giving the reader not just theoretical notions, but also a tool useful for research, critical evaluation and scientific updating purposes.
Evaluating the different aspects of the hand, kinesiological, sensory or functional, demands extensive knowledge of the relevant methods: for each topic – evaluating wounds and scars, oedema, pain, the peripheral vascular system, sensitivity, joints, muscle strength, dexterity, and functional capacities – the book provides an overview and a critical discussion of the assessment systems, together with instructions and illustrations. Particular attention is paid to those that, in accordance with the principle of evidence-based practice, are deemed most important.
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• Volume pratico di medicina cinese, introduce il lettore, passo dopo passo, alle tecniche di massaggio del piede per il trattamento dei disturbi più comuni. • Il massaggio del piede è un’arte di guarigione antica e in questo volume ne vengono appro...
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Prosthetic dentistry deals with the promotion of oral and dental health and it is an area in which particular attention is paid to conserving stomatognathic function and to restoring the function and aesthetics of the stomatognathic system through prostheses.
The book takes a general look at the embryogenesis, anatomy and physiology of the stomatognathic system, before considering in more depth the elements of occlusion and the instruments for the adjustment of intermaxillary relations. It then moves on to treatment planning – with very precise and accurate use of the prosthetic nomenclature – and to the preparation and application of the prosthetic support and the maintenance of the prosthetic restoration.

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The authors describe the ultrasound-guided botulinum toxin injection for more than 80 muscles of the neck, of the trunk and of the upper limb and lower limb
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La programmazione degli interventi riabilitativi e i criteri per gli interventi di valutazione, di diagnosi e di terapia richiedono un modello di percorso socio-sanitario moderno, incentrato sul soddisfacimento dei bisogni della persona disabile e de...
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The whole sphere of sexuality, on account of its complex social, moral, psychological and religious connotations, cannot be described in purely biological terms. This book looks at men and women from the perspective of their bodies and at the reciprocal relations, from the point of view of sex and sexuality, into which they enter. The book thus follows a fascinating itinerary that takes the reader through the major biological questions, but always with reference to the main thread of the work, which is sex, understood both as a means of reproduction and as a source of pleasure. The text dwells, in particular, on the processes that take place in the uterus following fertilisation and the start of gestation, as well as the process of pregnancy and childbirth of course.
In short, the reader is taken on a complete journey through the human body as engaged in the affairs of sex, pleasure and reproduction.
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Questo volume descrive l’essenziale del Sistema Nervoso Periferico, soffermandosi su ciò che lo studente deve apprendere in una visione propedeutica alle varie discipline mediche.
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Questo libro si propone di descrivere in modo chiaro e sintetico le migliori strategie disponibili all’inizio del nuovo millennio per aiutare chi soffre di un disturbo mentale a stare meglio e soprattutto a poter fare a meno dell’aiuto il più presto ...
€ 37,53 instead of € 39,50
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Ogni volta che ci si riferisce al trasferimento di una persona, si sta implicitamente assumendo che il paziente non sia in grado di produrre movimento volontario con forza sufficiente a spostarsi da una superficie a un’altra in autonomia: ciò vuol dire ch
€ 37,05 instead of € 39,00
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The book, after discussing the anatomical characteristics of the male pelvic-perineal region, focuses in detail on the various phases of a person’s pre- and post-operative rehabilitation progress

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Come si è passati dagli Insettivori che sono diventati arboricoli all’Homo sapiens?
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Manuale di rapida consultazione che insegna a gestire il dolore acuto e cronico attraverso il trattamento dei noduli dolorosi o sensibili al dolore che si formano nelle fibre muscolari e nei tessuti connettivi.
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€ 36,79 instead of € 38,73
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