This sports injuries handbook is aimed essentially at doctors working “on the field” and at the whole team looking after the athletes, to enable them to understand symptoms rapidly and put in place the correct diagnostic and therapeutic strategies to deal with sports injuries.
The book is divided into sections on the different districts of the body (spine; shoulder; elbow; wrist and hand; pelvis, hip and thigh; knee, leg, ankle and foot), examining the sports pathologies associated with each of them, the aetiopathogenetic mechanisms associated with the different sporting disciplines, immediate diagnosis on the field and instrumental diagnostic procedures to be undertaken in hospital, immediate and definitive therapies, rehabilitation, and criteria governing the athlete’s return to his or her sporting activities.
The book is divided into sections on the different districts of the body (spine; shoulder; elbow; wrist and hand; pelvis, hip and thigh; knee, leg, ankle and foot), examining the sports pathologies associated with each of them, the aetiopathogenetic mechanisms associated with the different sporting disciplines, immediate diagnosis on the field and instrumental diagnostic procedures to be undertaken in hospital, immediate and definitive therapies, rehabilitation, and criteria governing the athlete’s return to his or her sporting activities.
€ 85,50
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In sintonia con la disciplina di riferimento, il “nuovo medico” di pronto soccorso, dovendo assumere compiti e competenze per l’approccio più adeguato ad ogni tipologia dell’urgenza emergenza, dovrà perseguire una formazione globale e non settoriale,...
€ 71,25
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Football injuries: is it possible to prevent them and how?
€ 33,25
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Nel programma riabilitativo del paziente affetto da esiti di trauma cranico, il trattamento in acqua ha una grande importanza ed è un’integrazione e un completamento della terapia neuromotoria e neuropsicologica.
€ 23,75
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€ 23,75
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Il volume, diviso in sezioni dedicate rispettivamente all'instabilità di spalla, di ginocchio e caviglia nell'atleta, riunisce quanto di più aggiornato e attuale nel campo della medicina dello sport e della riabilitazione dell'atleta infortunato. L'a...
€ 14,25
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