The authors describe the ultrasound-guided botulinum toxin injection for more than 80 muscles of the neck, of the trunk and of the upper limb and lower limb
€ 38,00
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Manuale di rapida consultazione che insegna a gestire il dolore acuto e cronico attraverso il trattamento dei noduli dolorosi o sensibili al dolore che si formano nelle fibre muscolari e nei tessuti connettivi.
€ 37,05
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El manual teórico-práctico ofrece una antología de ejercicios (alrededor de 80, explicados e ilustrados) que son esenciales y característicos del método Rovatti®, explorando los modos de ejecución, principios y objetivos correctivos
€ 26,60
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The text in addition the theoretical and practical handbook offers an anthology of exercises (about 80, explained and illustrated) which are characteristic of the Rovatti Method®, exploring the modes of execution, principles, and corrective objectives
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In addition the theoretical and practical handbook offers an anthology of exercises (about 80, explained and illustrated) which are essential and characteristic of the Rovatti Method®, exploring the modes of execution, principles, and corrective objectives
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Informazioni chiare e raccomandazioni pratiche indispensabili per strutturare programmi di esercizi orientati a migliorare la qualità di vita di soggetti affetti da problemi di salute mentale
€ 25,65
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This book analyses the various aspects of manual lymphatic drainage and elasto-compressive therapy, taking the reader, step by step, through the treatment process in relation to the different districts of the body and the different pathologies.
Richly illustrated in colour, the first part of the book deals with the different forms of lymphoedema and the different methods of drainage and elasto-compressive therapy, which are taught in pictures; the second part presents applications of manual lymphatic drainage in different pathological conditions.
Richly illustrated in colour, the first part of the book deals with the different forms of lymphoedema and the different methods of drainage and elasto-compressive therapy, which are taught in pictures; the second part presents applications of manual lymphatic drainage in different pathological conditions.
€ 24,70
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Dopo aver appreso alcune nozioni di base questo libro propone numerosi esercizi di diverso livello, adeguati alle capacità di ognuno. Sono trattate anche alcune situazioni particolari, come la maternità, la menopausa o i postumi di un intervento chirurgic
€ 23,75
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Il volume, unico nel suo genere, tratta delle tecniche meccaniche di manipolazione con i fibrolisori. A partire da alcuni principi di terapia manuale mirata ai tessuti osteoarticolari e miofasciali e a quello connettivale...
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Cattive posture, disastrose serie di addominali, pratiche sportive nefaste per il corpo, parto, periodi post-parto mal gestiti, costipazione, incontinenza, dolori multipli: stop al massacro!
€ 23,75
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The text confronts the treatment of scars from a bodily systems perspective: it is fundamental to know how to manipulate discontinuities of the skin and understand its intrinsic connections
€ 22,80
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El texto enfrenta el tratamiento de las cicatrices desde una óptica del sistema corporal: es fundamental saber manipular la discontinuidad cutánea y entender las conexiones intrínsecas
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Lo scopo primario di questo libro è di fornire numerosi esempi delle più comuni patologie muscoloscheletriche osservabili nella pratica clinica ultrasonografica, per colmare la mancanza di un’educazione continua sotto la supervisione di un esperto
€ 76,49
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The main purpose of this book is to provide plenty of examples concerning the most commonly scanned musculoskeletal pathologies, and thus to fi ll the gap of long-term supervised education
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In that (maintenance) project, we briefly aimed to ‘accompany’ our colleagues in their daily clinical practice as they started to use US, mainly for diagnostic purposes
€ 68,00
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The main purpose of this book is to provide plenty of examples concerning the most commonly scanned musculoskeletal pathologies, and thus to fi ll the gap of long-term supervised education
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Il drenaggio linfatico manuale è una specifica metodica fisiocinesiterapica dalle molteplici potenzialità e applicazioni: si propone di coadiuvare il fisiologico drenaggio linfatico operato dall’organismo per mezzo della rete capillare linfatica, dei...
€ 46,74
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Bases anatómicas, fisiológicas, fisiopatológicas y clínica necesarias para conocer el sistema linfático y sus enfermedades, con el objetivo de proporcionar las herramientas para desarrollar un tratamiento adecuado
€ 46,74
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The techniques of manual lymphatic drainage and their practical application, with the description of the multilayer compression bandaging, decongestive exercises, therapeutic measures essential to the overall treatment of lymphedema
€ 46,74
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The modes of operation and the applications of the various aquatic rehabilitation methods, derived from both scientific evidence taken from the most significant publications, as well as the practical experience of the authors
€ 42,49
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