In questo atlante, presa dopo presa, la terapia manuale diventa comprensibile. Tutte le tecniche di base della terapia manuale sono illustrate attraverso testi e immagini, secondo la regione corporea interessata...
€ 152,00
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This sports injuries handbook is aimed essentially at doctors working “on the field” and at the whole team looking after the athletes, to enable them to understand symptoms rapidly and put in place the correct diagnostic and therapeutic strategies to deal with sports injuries.
The book is divided into sections on the different districts of the body (spine; shoulder; elbow; wrist and hand; pelvis, hip and thigh; knee, leg, ankle and foot), examining the sports pathologies associated with each of them, the aetiopathogenetic mechanisms associated with the different sporting disciplines, immediate diagnosis on the field and instrumental diagnostic procedures to be undertaken in hospital, immediate and definitive therapies, rehabilitation, and criteria governing the athlete’s return to his or her sporting activities.
The book is divided into sections on the different districts of the body (spine; shoulder; elbow; wrist and hand; pelvis, hip and thigh; knee, leg, ankle and foot), examining the sports pathologies associated with each of them, the aetiopathogenetic mechanisms associated with the different sporting disciplines, immediate diagnosis on the field and instrumental diagnostic procedures to be undertaken in hospital, immediate and definitive therapies, rehabilitation, and criteria governing the athlete’s return to his or her sporting activities.
€ 85,50
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In questo atlante, presa dopo presa, la terapia manuale diventa comprensibile. Tutte le tecniche di base della terapia manuale sono illustrate attraverso testi e immagini, secondo la regione corporea interessata...
€ 76,00
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In questo atlante, presa dopo presa, la terapia manuale diventa comprensibile. Tutte le tecniche di base della terapia manuale sono illustrate attraverso testi e immagini, secondo la regione corporea interessata...
€ 76,00
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The Italian Society of Sports Dentistry has, for years, endeavoured to establish the correct image of the sports dentist as a figure of reference and an ever-present source of support for anyone who practises sport, be it at professional or amateur level. Many Italian researchers in the field of dentistry, for years directly involved in prevention and in the treatment of athletes from different sporting disciplines, have contributed to this book, which
analyses the role of maxillary, teeth, the temporomandibular joint, and the skeleton and muscles of the dorsalcervical region in the performance of the motor actions specific to single sports.
The book covers the following main areas:
The book covers the following main areas:
- dento-maxillo-facial traumatology: from trauma to rehabilitation therapy, including specific and practical protocols trauma prevention, from the methodology to the design/construction of individual and personalised bite splints and mouthguards
- occlusion, posture and other areas linked to cervical-temporomandibular joint disorders
- diet and the oral ecosystem
- dentistry and sports in childhood, from the treatment of obstructive respiratory diseases to vertebral scoliosis
- lasers and oral mucosa lesions in athletes
- organisation of dental health services during sporting events and models of prevention
- medical-legal and insurance issues relevant to dental-facial trauma
- drugs in dentistry and doping
€ 66,50
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Questo volume propone le basi teoriche e pratiche per l’applicazione delle manovre di base del massaggio combinate a tecniche complementari, come le mobilizzazioni articolari, l’allungamento muscolare o lo stiramento miofasciale.
€ 57,00
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This text is a theoretical and practical introduction to the application of basic massage manoeuvres in combination with complementary techniques, such as joint mobilisation, muscle release and myofascial stretching
€ 57,00
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Le tecniche più adatte alla diagnostica delle patologie delle varie regioni corporee e utili consigli per guidare nella scelta della metodica più adatta dal punto di vista clinico attraverso esempi pratici desunti da casi reali.
€ 52,25
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Indirizzato a coloro che operano nel campo della riabilitazione e della rieducazione. I contenuti sono il risultato dell’esperienza pluriennale accumulata da un team di medici, fisioterapisti, dottori in scienze motorie e istruttori di fitness.
€ 41,80
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Manuale di rapida consultazione che insegna a gestire il dolore acuto e cronico attraverso il trattamento dei noduli dolorosi o sensibili al dolore che si formano nelle fibre muscolari e nei tessuti connettivi.
€ 37,05
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The assessment and classification of the mainly morphological characteristics of the human body, which is the focus of interest of anthropometry, can still today offer valuable support not only to the field of anthropology, but also to the different branches of clinical medicine: this book provides the reader with an extensive collection of standardised measurements, measurement procedures, anthropometric reference values and classical – yet still valid – techniques, and also looks at the many ways in which these can be applied in the fields of clinical medicine, rehabilitation and sports medicine.
The book is divided into three sections: anthropometric assessment and reference standards (measurements and measurement techniques used in anthropometry, skin folds, circumferences, diameters, lengths); topics of special interest, such as pubertal standards, constitutional anthropometry, the biological bases of personality and temperament, body composition; fields of application of anthropometry, from assessment of nutritional status to auxological anthropometry.
The book is divided into three sections: anthropometric assessment and reference standards (measurements and measurement techniques used in anthropometry, skin folds, circumferences, diameters, lengths); topics of special interest, such as pubertal standards, constitutional anthropometry, the biological bases of personality and temperament, body composition; fields of application of anthropometry, from assessment of nutritional status to auxological anthropometry.
€ 36,10
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This book examines simply, but with scientific accuracy and rigour, concepts useful to all those involved in sports medicine. As well as highlighting the problem of doping, it looks at how blood tests could be used to assess the state of health of professional and amateur athletes and makes it possible for non specialists to interpret them.
The book is aimed at doctors specialising in sports medicine, sports coaches, and pathologists interested in exploring the field of laboratory medicine applied to sport.
The practical usefulness of this book derives from the fact that it is an up-to-date and well-sourced treatise that draws on an extensive bibliography of the topic of haematology applied to sport. It is a text that fills a scientific and didactic gap at a time when this topic is very much to the fore.
The book has a first part, which is devoted to laboratory tests, and a second part, which looks at the ways in which sporting activity can modify haematological laboratory parameters.
The book is aimed at doctors specialising in sports medicine, sports coaches, and pathologists interested in exploring the field of laboratory medicine applied to sport.
The practical usefulness of this book derives from the fact that it is an up-to-date and well-sourced treatise that draws on an extensive bibliography of the topic of haematology applied to sport. It is a text that fills a scientific and didactic gap at a time when this topic is very much to the fore.
The book has a first part, which is devoted to laboratory tests, and a second part, which looks at the ways in which sporting activity can modify haematological laboratory parameters.
€ 33,25
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Il testo si propone di creare un punto d’incontro tra diverse figure professionali impegnate in ambito nutrizionale e sportivo (dietisti, medici, allenatori e preparatori atletici), consentendo loro di applicare con razionalità e scientificità le più...
€ 26,60
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This text is intended as a meeting point between different professionals whose work involves the fields of nutrition and sport (dieticians, physicians, trainers and sports coaches), enabling them to apply scientifically and rationally the most recent knowledge on the subject. The book, which is styled as a handbook, contains up-to-date operational guidelines on the dietary requirements of the sportsman and woman, both professional and amateur.
€ 23,75
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Una trattazione completa dei possibili impieghi delle resistenze elastiche, proponendo programmi di allenamento illustrati a passo a passo, tramite spiegazioni e immagini fotografiche.
€ 23,75
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Questa nuova edizione mantiene la struttura della precedente, ma è stata ampiamente rivista e aggiornata: la discussione delle caratteristiche delle ossa, delle articolazioni e dei muscoli è seguita dalla trattazione della struttura anatomica e della...
€ 19,00
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Il volume, diviso in sezioni dedicate rispettivamente all'instabilità di spalla, di ginocchio e caviglia nell'atleta, riunisce quanto di più aggiornato e attuale nel campo della medicina dello sport e della riabilitazione dell'atleta infortunato. L'a...
€ 14,25
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Developments in the field of physical medicine and rehabilitation have highlighted the role of hydrokinesitherapy in the approach to the rehabilitation of disorders of the nervous system and locomotor apparatus.
The book, which deals, first of all, with the physical characteristics of water and the postures that can be assumed in water, then dwells on more general aspects of rehabilitation, looking at adaptation to water and the indications for hydrokinesitherapy.
This book, which is undoubtedly a useful tool for those involved in rehabilitation in water, devotes its central part to the presentation, through technical descriptions and pictures, of around 60 exercises.
The book, which deals, first of all, with the physical characteristics of water and the postures that can be assumed in water, then dwells on more general aspects of rehabilitation, looking at adaptation to water and the indications for hydrokinesitherapy.
This book, which is undoubtedly a useful tool for those involved in rehabilitation in water, devotes its central part to the presentation, through technical descriptions and pictures, of around 60 exercises.
€ 14,25
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Perché, come e quando avvengono gli adattamenti indotti dall'allenamento?
Quali sono gli stimoli allenanti, i carichi e che ruolo svolgono gli ormoni?
Il sovrallenamento (sovraffaticamento, calo di prestazione, sindrome da fatica cronica): quali p...
€ 12,35
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Un volume dedicato ai non garantiti, ovvero gli atleti che - svolgendo attività stressanti quali sono quelle allenanti per le varie discipline sportive - vengono esposti a uno stato di alterazione degli equilibri psicofisiologici senza un attento controll
€ 9,50
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