This volume takes a complete and critical look at the most significant proposals in the field of movement reeducation therapies for scoliosis, scoliotic postures and low back pain disorders, all common spinal pathologies. As well as outlining the theories of the various schools of thought and the major kinesiological, biomechanical and neurophysiological concepts relating to movement and, in particular, to the spine, the book contains numerous
exercises, presented through over 400 illustrations (photos and figures).
This book is a complete work, easy to understand and driven by important practical aims, but, rather provocatively, it leaves the final choice of exercises up to the reader, given that these are meant to be adapted to the patient and his/her own condition, not the other way round.
This book is a complete work, easy to understand and driven by important practical aims, but, rather provocatively, it leaves the final choice of exercises up to the reader, given that these are meant to be adapted to the patient and his/her own condition, not the other way round.
€ 76,00
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The mechanisms with which the nervous system, via its central and peripheral structures, learns and governs movement
€ 61,75
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This book illustrates, with the valuable support of pictures (around 450) and exercises (over 250), the practical basis for organising a Back School. In detail, the book looks at the six cornerstones of the author’s approach: antalgic and re-educational physical exercises; correct use of the spine; relaxation techniques; diet; lifestyle; habitual motor activity.
In short, the book approaches the question from a particular perspective, being devoted to the learning not of one method, but of many methods that can be offered to the patient in order to allow him to regain and maintain a state of wellbeing.
In short, the book approaches the question from a particular perspective, being devoted to the learning not of one method, but of many methods that can be offered to the patient in order to allow him to regain and maintain a state of wellbeing.
€ 57,00
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In questo testo, accanto a una parte teorica a dimostrazione della validità del metodo e d’impostazione, vengono analizzate alcune proposte cercando di orientare il lettore su alcune pratiche correnti
€ 47,50
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Il testo propone un quadro programmatico: nel volume vengono esposte la teoria, la metodologia e la didattica per un corretto approccio all’attività motoria nella terza età.
€ 45,60
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Questo volume è uno strumento ideale di apprendimento per chi desideri integrare le tecniche neuromuscolari con osteopatia, fisioterapia, terapia fisica, chiropratica, massaggio sportivo o qualsiasi altro tipo di terapia manuale
€ 42,75
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Una guida completa per allenare il core seguendo una precisa sequenza di capacità da incrementare: stabilizzazione, forza e potenza; sono illustrati e descritti 386 esercizi
€ 42,75
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Es interesante descubrir los mecanismos con los cuales el sistema nervioso, mediante las estructuras centrales y periféricas, aprende el movimiento y lo gobierna
€ 42,75
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Indirizzato a coloro che operano nel campo della riabilitazione e della rieducazione. I contenuti sono il risultato dell’esperienza pluriennale accumulata da un team di medici, fisioterapisti, dottori in scienze motorie e istruttori di fitness.
€ 41,80
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Stabilometric analysis allows for the evaluation and measurement of balance using a computerized platform
€ 41,80
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The Back School is presented as the most effective and lasting method for treating spinal pain. It is based on an educational, preventive and therapeutic approach to the patient, who is no longer seen as a passive subject who merely submits to what is prescribed, but rather as the key actor, who plays an active and conscious part in his or her own treatment.
The aim of the book, which integrates and complements “Back School - Neck School - Bone School. Planning, organising, conducting and verifying” (by the same author), is to teach specific working programmes for different spinal pathologies: spondylolisthesis, spinal stenosis, lumboischialgic pain due to disc hernia or protrusion, discectomy, painful scoliosis, etc.
The aim of the book, which integrates and complements “Back School - Neck School - Bone School. Planning, organising, conducting and verifying” (by the same author), is to teach specific working programmes for different spinal pathologies: spondylolisthesis, spinal stenosis, lumboischialgic pain due to disc hernia or protrusion, discectomy, painful scoliosis, etc.
€ 38,00
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Ogni volta che ci si riferisce al trasferimento di una persona, si sta implicitamente assumendo che il paziente non sia in grado di produrre movimento volontario con forza sufficiente a spostarsi da una superficie a un’altra in autonomia: ciò vuol dire ch
€ 37,05
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Whoever is curious about the mechanisms of locomotion finds in this book the essential notions on the extremely fascinating “human machine”
€ 36,10
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Un testo corredato da videocassetta sull'avviamento al lavoro collettivo (squadra) realizzato da due Autrici che sono state nel contempo tecniche nazionali di ginnastica ritmica sportiva e insegnanti di scuola e hanno trasferito le loro capacità tecn...
€ 35,15
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Is it possible to formulate a working hypothesis on motor education in primary schools? On the basis of what elements should we organize the teaching programme? What methods, what kinds of objectives and courses of work best favour children’s learning of body language? This book offers some concrete answers to these questions.
It brings out the cultural and scientific foundations of this discipline, recognising their specific and transverse objectives through an opportune re-visiting of government programmes. The part on assessment offers a concrete response to the need to formulate judgments both at the end of single experiences and for half-yearly and end-of-year reports. The text provides pointers for identifying the interdisciplinary areas of motor education and for creating appropriate courses of work. The book contains several sheets that teachers can use with pupils to record their experiences in the school gym.
The audio CD which comes with the book is needed to try out some of the activities.
It brings out the cultural and scientific foundations of this discipline, recognising their specific and transverse objectives through an opportune re-visiting of government programmes. The part on assessment offers a concrete response to the need to formulate judgments both at the end of single experiences and for half-yearly and end-of-year reports. The text provides pointers for identifying the interdisciplinary areas of motor education and for creating appropriate courses of work. The book contains several sheets that teachers can use with pupils to record their experiences in the school gym.
The audio CD which comes with the book is needed to try out some of the activities.
€ 29,45
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In response to considerable demand, we have brought out a new edition of this volume which, from the outset has been appreciated and praised by physicians, teachers of physical education and physiotherapists.
It is particularly suitable for students on account of its clear, didactic approach and the vast quantity of information it condenses into a single, yet exhaustive volume, and also because of the wealth of bibliographic references it contains.
It is particularly suitable for students on account of its clear, didactic approach and the vast quantity of information it condenses into a single, yet exhaustive volume, and also because of the wealth of bibliographic references it contains.
€ 28,50
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Aimed at anyone involved in kinesiology, motor education, and the prevention and treatment of lateral paramorphisms and dysmorphisms of the spine, this volume, with its supplemented contents and new graphics, completes the previous volume, by the same authors, on the Techniques of medical gymnastics. Kinesitherapy of incorrect postures and dysmorphisms. Kyphosis - lordosis - lower limbs. With numerous tables and over 600 illustrations of exercises, explanatory diagrams and radiographs, as well as an accurate
and thorough bibliography containing over 400 entries, this book is an indispensable, exhaustive and up-to-date teaching guide to scoliosis treatment methods.
€ 28,50
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È utile programmare in educazione fisica?
Che cosa si deve fare per definire obiettivi, contenuti, metodo, sistemi di verifica e valutazione?
Queste e altre domande si pongono gli insegnanti di educazione fisica di fronte alla possibilità-necessità...
€ 24,70
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Il volume, corredato da un’interessante cassetta audiovideo, offre agli insegnanti di scuola elementare, di educazione fisica e ai maestri di tennis un nuovo modo di proporre il tennis nella scuola. Nel testo sono descritti giochi propedeutici al ten...
€ 24,70
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Utile guida pratica tanto per i professionisti sanitari quanto per gli studenti dei corsi di laurea in fisioterapia, infermieristica e per i corsi di operatore socio-sanitario
€ 23,75
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