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There has been enormous progress in hand surgery over the past decade, even leading to hand transplantation, an exceptional achievement given the unique nature of this body part in terms of its nerve supply and elastic properties. Essentially, the field of hand surgery and microsurgery is concerned with the following areas: congenital malformations, acquired diseases and traumatology. Each of these areas involves the application of the techniques of plastic surgery, particularly reconstructive plastic surgery, and of orthopaedics.
This textbook, to which leading experts have contributed, covers semeiotics and diagnostics, traumatic and non-traumatic pathologies, treatment, surgical techniques, rehabilitation, and hand prostheses and ortheses. Richly illustrated, this is an ideal reference book for surgeons, orthopaedics specialists, physiatrists and physical therapists.
€ 152,00 instead of € 160,00
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Uno strumento utile di problem solving in tutte quelle situazioni che quotidianamente in ospedale, negli ambulatori o nelle palestre di riabilitazione ci troviamo ad affrontare.
€ 85,50 instead of € 90,00
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Average customer rating: 3 stars
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Il testo illustra e descrive nel dettaglio i passaggi posturali, gli esercizi e gli strumenti valutativi che, in sequenza progressiva, sono necessari per una corretta verticalizzazione del paziente
€ 76,00 instead of € 80,00
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This book represents a useful problem-solving tool to deal with everyday situations – in hospitals, clinics or rehabilitation gyms

€ 66,50 instead of € 70,00
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Stabilometric analysis allows for the evaluation and measurement of balance using a computerized platform

€ 41,80 instead of € 44,00
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Notevoli sono stati i progressi in questi ultimi anni, nel campo della protesizzazione: l’amputazione non è più considerata come un evento finale, ma come la fase iniziale di un programma di trattamento.
€ 38,00 instead of € 40,00
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Entirely devoted to the realisation of static and dynamic orthoses, the book opens with a description of the theoretical bases of the makingup techniques before moving to examine, in great detail and with the support of around 450 illustrations, the design and working stages. The book also contains 24 technical tables (explanatory text and colour photographs) on the realisation of orthoses.
The only handbook on this topic, and aimed both at students and at professionals, this book constitutes a response to the need to offer effective instruction to operators requiring technical support in the practical making up of orthoses for the patient.
€ 35,15 instead of € 37,00
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Perfetto in ogni dove... in aula, in ospedale, in ambulatorio Una guida tascabile di facile consultazione, per un rapido aggiornamento. Risposte immediate e concrete a tante domande, sempre a portata di mano.
€ 33,25 instead of € 35,00
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The text clearly and comprehensively explains the biomechanical aspects of a “normal” seated position, in light of pathological conditions, and of the mechanics of wheelchairs

€ 23,75 instead of € 25,00
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L’allenamento riabilitativo è materia di grande interesse non solo per gli appassionati del fitness e del wellness, ma anche e soprattutto per gli specialisti negli ambiti della riabilitazione e del recupero della resistenza fisica. La seconda edizi...
€ 23,75 instead of € 25,00
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Un approccio alla paresi spastica che evita il più possibile l'utilizzo di farmaci antispastici e depressione e predilige un trattamento focale muscolo per muscolo, articolazione per articolazione
€ 19,00 instead of € 20,00
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Il volume, diviso in sezioni dedicate rispettivamente all'instabilità di spalla, di ginocchio e caviglia nell'atleta, riunisce quanto di più aggiornato e attuale nel campo della medicina dello sport e della riabilitazione dell'atleta infortunato. L'a...
€ 14,25 instead of € 15,00
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Average customer rating: 0 stars
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