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Istologia medica - Medical Histology


Nadir M. Maraldi, Carlo Tacchetti
Saverio Cinti, Michelangelo Cordenonsi, Simona Corso, Ottavio Cremona, Massimo De Felici, Roberta Di Pietro, Nicoletta Gagliano, Silvia Giordano, Nadir M. Maraldi, Carla Martinelli, Alessandro Moretta, Sergio Morini, Beatrice Nico, Maria Prat, Domenico Puzzolo, Domenico Ribatti, Giovanni Francesco Spatola, Carlo Tacchetti
Istologia medica - Medical Histology
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Medical Histology is a modern text mainly oriented towards the “medical” aspect, in order to provide students with tools to frame the subject in the context of preclinical disciplines. The text comprises experimentally acquired data, with mechanistic models that have proven validity and contribute to the understanding of physiopathological processes. The objective is to offer a study model for a complex subject, which students can apply to other disciplines during their medical education.
The volume has been divided into blocks of educational material:
• Text and figures – essential topics;
• In-depth analysis with figures – supplementary topics;
• Areas of clinical histology – physiopathological correlations;
• Additional contents in the Virtual Campus web area – multimedia supplementary material. Each chapter is introduced by a paragraph on Prerequisites, that is, the basic knowledge necessary for a correct framing of the discussed topics, a paragraph on Study Objectives and a Summary of the topic, and is concluded by Key Concepts relative to the topics examined.
Topics have been developed highlighting the differentiation mechanisms that allow, both in embryonic and adult life, the turnover and integration of stem cell elements within functionally specialized populations. The book specifically focuses on the biomechanical properties of tissues and, considering their increasing usage, the characteristics of different populations of adult stem cells, also in association with biomaterials, in regenerative medicine.

The web platform – Virtual campus – includes a rich catalogue of educational material. To browse through these resources, students can take advantage of guided interactive courses presented in a lesson format.
The platform’s contents comprise:
• Interactive views of histological slides
• using a virtual microscope
• Commentated videos
• Online courses and laboratories
• Predefined evaluation and self-assessment tests.

Technical details

Volume 22 x 28 cm
Pages 704
Richly illustrated in colour

For Professors only: Web area teacher access request

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