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The text in addition the theoretical and practical handbook offers an anthology of exercises (about 80, explained and illustrated) which are characteristic of the Rovatti Method®, exploring the modes of execution, principles, and corrective objectives
€ 26,60 instead of € 28,00
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In addition the theoretical and practical handbook offers an anthology of exercises (about 80, explained and illustrated) which are essential and characteristic of the Rovatti Method®, exploring the modes of execution, principles, and corrective objectives

€ 26,60 instead of € 28,00
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This book analyses the various aspects of manual lymphatic drainage and elasto-compressive therapy, taking the reader, step by step, through the treatment process in relation to the different districts of the body and the different pathologies.
Richly illustrated in colour, the first part of the book deals with the different forms of lymphoedema and the different methods of drainage and elasto-compressive therapy, which are taught in pictures; the second part presents applications of manual lymphatic drainage in different pathological conditions.
€ 24,70 instead of € 26,00
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Nel programma riabilitativo del paziente affetto da esiti di trauma cranico, il trattamento in acqua ha una grande importanza ed è un’integrazione e un completamento della terapia neuromotoria e neuropsicologica.
€ 23,75 instead of € 25,00
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Questa nuova edizione mantiene la struttura della precedente, ma è stata ampiamente rivista e aggiornata: la discussione delle caratteristiche delle ossa, delle articolazioni e dei muscoli è seguita dalla trattazione della struttura anatomica e della...
€ 19,00 instead of € 20,00
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Oggi tutti parlano di fitness: questo completo manuale, riccamente illustrato, propone numerosi esercizi per acquisire e mantenere un'ottima efficienza fisica, spiegando in modo immediatamente comprensibile i presupposti scientifici e cinesiologici c...
€ 19,00 instead of € 20,00
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Una novità nel campo della chinesiologia. Un manuale che fornisce gli elementi necessari per affrontare le problematiche legate alle alterazioni posturali, fenomenologie complesse che accompagnano le fasi di crescita in una realtà metropolitana che l...
€ 17,10 instead of € 18,00
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Developments in the field of physical medicine and rehabilitation have highlighted the role of hydrokinesitherapy in the approach to the rehabilitation of disorders of the nervous system and locomotor apparatus.
The book, which deals, first of all, with the physical characteristics of water and the postures that can be assumed in water, then dwells on more general aspects of rehabilitation, looking at adaptation to water and the indications for hydrokinesitherapy.
This book, which is undoubtedly a useful tool for those involved in rehabilitation in water, devotes its central part to the presentation, through technical descriptions and pictures, of around 60 exercises.
€ 14,25 instead of € 15,00
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Il drenaggio linfatico manuale è una specifica metodica fisiocinesiterapica dalle molteplici potenzialità e applicazioni: si propone di coadiuvare il fisiologico drenaggio linfatico operato dall’organismo per mezzo della rete capillare linfatica, dei...
€ 46,74 instead of € 54,99
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Bases anatómicas, fisiológicas, fisiopatológicas y clínica necesarias para conocer el sistema linfático y sus enfermedades, con el objetivo de proporcionar las herramientas para desarrollar un tratamiento adecuado
€ 46,74 instead of € 54,99
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The techniques of manual lymphatic drainage and their practical application, with the description of the multilayer compression bandaging, decongestive exercises, therapeutic measures essential to the overall treatment of lymphedema
€ 46,74 instead of € 54,99
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The text in addition the theoretical and practical handbook offers an anthology of exercises (about 80, explained and illustrated) which are characteristic of the Rovatti Method®, exploring the modes of execution, principles, and corrective objectives
€ 21,24 instead of € 24,99
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Il manuale propone, oltre all’illustrazione dei principî teorici, un’antologia di esercizi (circa 80, spiegati e illustrati) fondamentali e caratterizzanti il Metodo Rovatti®: modalità di esecuzione, principî e obiettivi correttivi
€ 21,24 instead of € 24,99
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