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Manuale di rapida consultazione che insegna a gestire il dolore acuto e cronico attraverso il trattamento dei noduli dolorosi o sensibili al dolore che si formano nelle fibre muscolari e nei tessuti connettivi.
€ 37,05 instead of € 39,00
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The assessment and classification of the mainly morphological characteristics of the human body, which is the focus of interest of anthropometry, can still today offer valuable support not only to the field of anthropology, but also to the different branches of clinical medicine: this book provides the reader with an extensive collection of standardised measurements, measurement procedures, anthropometric reference values and classical – yet still valid – techniques, and also looks at the many ways in which these can be applied in the fields of clinical medicine, rehabilitation and sports medicine.
The book is divided into three sections: anthropometric assessment and reference standards (measurements and measurement techniques used in anthropometry, skin folds, circumferences, diameters, lengths); topics of special interest, such as pubertal standards, constitutional anthropometry, the biological bases of personality and temperament, body composition; fields of application of anthropometry, from assessment of nutritional status to auxological anthropometry.
€ 36,10 instead of € 38,00
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Entirely devoted to the realisation of static and dynamic orthoses, the book opens with a description of the theoretical bases of the makingup techniques before moving to examine, in great detail and with the support of around 450 illustrations, the design and working stages. The book also contains 24 technical tables (explanatory text and colour photographs) on the realisation of orthoses.
The only handbook on this topic, and aimed both at students and at professionals, this book constitutes a response to the need to offer effective instruction to operators requiring technical support in the practical making up of orthoses for the patient.
€ 35,15 instead of € 37,00
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Football injuries: is it possible to prevent them and how?

€ 33,25 instead of € 35,00
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Perfetto in ogni dove... in aula, in ospedale, in ambulatorio Una guida tascabile di facile consultazione, per un rapido aggiornamento. Risposte immediate e concrete a tante domande, sempre a portata di mano.
€ 33,25 instead of € 35,00
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La fisiatria italiana è impegnata, da diversi anni, nella costruzione di una medicina riabilitativa di alto profilo attraverso la predisposizione e l’elaborazione di modalità, strumenti operativi e contributi culturali adeguati sul versante della val...
€ 33,25 instead of € 35,00
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Obiettivi di questo manuale teorico-pratico sono insegnare come prevenire i dolori cervicali grazie a un corretto utilizzo della colonna vertebrale e ridurre il dolore del rachide cervicale con esercizi specifici
€ 28,50 instead of € 30,00
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Questo manuale teorico-pratico si propone di far conoscere la fondamentale azione educativa, preventiva e rieducativa della moderna Back School
€ 28,50 instead of € 30,00
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The past decade has seen a radical change in medical attitudes to stroke: scientific interest in cerebrovascular diseases has increased both as a result of the evolution of electronic and information technology, which makes it possible to obtain detailed images useful for diagnostic purposes, and also as a result of the availability of new drugs.
In addition to the most up-to-date diagnostic and therapeutic approaches, this book presents the most recent advances in the sphere of rehabilitation and looks at how patients can be approached from the perspective of individualised programmes.
• From biochemistry to clinical practice
• Diagnosis
• Therapy
• Rehabilitation
• Functional surgery
€ 28,50 instead of € 30,00
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In response to considerable demand, we have brought out a new edition of this volume which, from the outset has been appreciated and praised by physicians, teachers of physical education and physiotherapists.
It is particularly suitable for students on account of its clear, didactic approach and the vast quantity of information it condenses into a single, yet exhaustive volume, and also because of the wealth of bibliographic references it contains.
€ 28,50 instead of € 30,00
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Aimed at anyone involved in kinesiology, motor education, and the prevention and treatment of lateral paramorphisms and dysmorphisms of the spine, this volume, with its supplemented contents and new graphics, completes the previous volume, by the same authors, on the Techniques of medical gymnastics. Kinesitherapy of incorrect postures and dysmorphisms. Kyphosis - lordosis - lower limbs. With numerous tables and over 600 illustrations of exercises, explanatory diagrams and radiographs, as well as an accurate and thorough bibliography containing over 400 entries, this book is an indispensable, exhaustive and up-to-date teaching guide to scoliosis treatment methods.
€ 28,50 instead of € 30,00
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El manual teórico-práctico ofrece una antología de ejercicios (alrededor de 80, explicados e ilustrados) que son esenciales y característicos del método Rovatti®, explorando los modos de ejecución, principios y objetivos correctivos
€ 26,60 instead of € 28,00
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The text in addition the theoretical and practical handbook offers an anthology of exercises (about 80, explained and illustrated) which are characteristic of the Rovatti Method®, exploring the modes of execution, principles, and corrective objectives
€ 26,60 instead of € 28,00
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In addition the theoretical and practical handbook offers an anthology of exercises (about 80, explained and illustrated) which are essential and characteristic of the Rovatti Method®, exploring the modes of execution, principles, and corrective objectives

€ 26,60 instead of € 28,00
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Il Pilates è un metodo di esercizio fisico ideato per distendere e rinforzare il corpo e che dà evidenza a fattori quali l’equilibrio, l’allineamento, l’esatta respirazione e la stabilità del centro (core). Si tratta di un metodo semplice e a basso i...
€ 25,65 instead of € 27,00
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Informazioni chiare e raccomandazioni pratiche indispensabili per strutturare programmi di esercizi orientati a migliorare la qualità di vita di soggetti affetti da problemi di salute mentale
€ 25,65 instead of € 27,00
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This book analyses the various aspects of manual lymphatic drainage and elasto-compressive therapy, taking the reader, step by step, through the treatment process in relation to the different districts of the body and the different pathologies.
Richly illustrated in colour, the first part of the book deals with the different forms of lymphoedema and the different methods of drainage and elasto-compressive therapy, which are taught in pictures; the second part presents applications of manual lymphatic drainage in different pathological conditions.
€ 24,70 instead of € 26,00
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Dopo aver appreso alcune nozioni di base questo libro propone numerosi esercizi di diverso livello, adeguati alle capacità di ognuno. Sono trattate anche alcune situazioni particolari, come la maternità, la menopausa o i postumi di un intervento chirurgic
€ 23,75 instead of € 25,00
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Il volume, unico nel suo genere, tratta delle tecniche meccaniche di manipolazione con i fibrolisori. A partire da alcuni principi di terapia manuale mirata ai tessuti osteoarticolari e miofasciali e a quello connettivale...
€ 23,75 instead of € 25,00
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Utile guida pratica tanto per i professionisti sanitari quanto per gli studenti dei corsi di laurea in fisioterapia, infermieristica e per i corsi di operatore socio-sanitario
€ 23,75 instead of € 25,00
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