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This atlas is not just a collection of pictures and diagrams, but is designed to present, in an original and innovative way, the variety of cells that make up the haemopoietic system and to illustrate extensively their function and pathology, taking into account the most recent acquisitions in the fields of biochemistry, biology and molecular genetics.
Indeed, this third edition of the atlas (like, and indeed even more than the previous ones) fulfils the need to reflect, through the updating of its contents and the wealth and freshness of its illustrations, advances made in haematology and in the related medical-scientific disciplines.
New names have been added to the list of specialists collaborating on this project, guaranteeing the continued scientific value of the text, while the updating of the illustrations is intended to improve still further its capacity for visual communication.
From a review by Robert S. Schwartz, MD, NEJM, Sept 04: “This spectacular atlas, the finest in its class, emerged from the collaboration of a stellar group of experts who have skillfully woven a profusion of light, electron, and scanning photomicrographs, along with diagrams and tables, into the grand tapestry of hematology as we understand it today.....”
€ 142,50 instead of € 150,00
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Il prodotto del lavoro di un’intera Scuola, che ha sempre saputo distinguere la Citometria a Flusso dalle sue applicazioni pratiche, cercando di dare a questa e a quelle gli spazi di competenza
€ 114,00 instead of € 120,00
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Three years since the publication of the previous edition Istologia, which has become something of a classic, is now available in its fifth edition.
This latest revision of the text, which was intended to reflect new knowledge while being careful to retain the original structure of a work whose main features are the ultra-modern approach to the functions of the Golgi apparatus and the new way of approaching and describing the vacuolar apparatus, involved re-writing the text, eliminating some parts and extending others so as to reflect the current flow of knowledge. Particular attention has also been paid to the iconography, which is made up of 792 diagrams in colour and in black and white, and is a distinctive feature of this textbook.
€ 71,25 instead of € 75,00
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The subdivision into two sections – cell biology and tissue biology – and the graphics used make this text a useful and flexible study aid.

€ 64,60 instead of € 68,00
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L’insieme dei fenomeni alla base dei meccanismi riproduttivi costituisce da sempre uno dei più affascinanti capitoli della biologia: questo testo, pensato e scritto da un gruppo di docenti e liberi professionisti che da anni operano in questo settore, rip
€ 61,75 instead of € 65,00
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This book covers a specific chapter of integrative physiology, which is usually neglected in physiology textbooks, and which has received little attention in the past as a dedicated subject of publication. Nice deep textbooks of altitude medicine or aviation and space medicine or diving medicine can be found, that cover the needs of highly specialised clinicians and investigators. However, to the best of our knowledge, this is the first time that the subject of human adaptation to special environments is proposed and treated in a comprehensive yet rigorous manner for the sake of a wider audience. The text acknowledges historical contributions, provides up-to-date information, describes separately basic and/or historical notions perhaps less treated than needed in classical textbooks, provides significant bibliographic material for a deeper study of the treated subjects, establishes continuous bridges between practice and physiological knowledge, and highlights special contributions from Italian investigators and institutions.

€ 57,00 instead of € 60,00
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The aim is to provide students with tools to understand the subject and a study model they can apply to other disciplines during their medical education.

€ 46,55 instead of € 49,00
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Medical Histology is a modern text mainly oriented towards the “medical” aspect, in order to provide students with tools to frame the subject in the context of preclinical disciplines

€ 46,55 instead of € 49,00
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The whole sphere of sexuality, on account of its complex social, moral, psychological and religious connotations, cannot be described in purely biological terms. This book looks at men and women from the perspective of their bodies and at the reciprocal relations, from the point of view of sex and sexuality, into which they enter. The book thus follows a fascinating itinerary that takes the reader through the major biological questions, but always with reference to the main thread of the work, which is sex, understood both as a means of reproduction and as a source of pleasure. The text dwells, in particular, on the processes that take place in the uterus following fertilisation and the start of gestation, as well as the process of pregnancy and childbirth of course.
In short, the reader is taken on a complete journey through the human body as engaged in the affairs of sex, pleasure and reproduction.
€ 38,00 instead of € 40,00
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Qual è la causa della bio-diversità? Il segreto è racchiuso nel concetto di organizzazione gerarchica multilivellare, fenomeno per il quale elementi comuni si associano a formare strutture stabili, di complessità e dimensioni sempre maggiori, le cui...
€ 36,10 instead of € 38,00
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In questo testo viene proposta una visione aggiornata dello sviluppo di una scienza che si rinnova ininterrottamente attraverso la revisione e lo sviluppo di concetti ritenuti immutabili. Interessante l'approccio alla chimica organica, volto innanzit...
€ 34,20 instead of € 36,00
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The model-based biology and physiology of human nutrition can be defined as the study of human biological phenomena related to the use of aliments, conducted through the application of models, i.e., theoretical schemes that can describe one or more related phenomena and highlight their essential characteristics. This is the approach adopted by Pietro M. Boselli, whose intention, with this book, is to offer a different and original approach to the study and interpretation of currently widely debated topics, namely diets and human nutrition.
€ 33,25 instead of € 35,00
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Il presente volume, naturale complemento del "gemello" (La cellula), prende in considerazione l'organizzazione sovracellulare della materia vivente. Il testo, alla trattazione, snella ma completa, dei temi cari all'Istologia classica (ovvero la detta...
€ 32,30 instead of € 34,00
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A pochi anni dal primo intervento di revisione, e sempre nell’ottica di modernizzare e valorizzare il testo per “metterlo al passo” con i continui progressi e con le recenti acquisizioni della ricerca biologica, la nuova edizione del volume si caratt...
€ 32,30 instead of € 34,00
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Negli ultimi anni i metodi biologico- molecolari hanno raggiunto un notevole sviluppo, imponendosi come strumento di indiscutibile importanza sia in campo diagnostico sia nella ricerca scientifica. I recenti sviluppi di queste tecniche, il migliorame...
€ 32,30 instead of € 34,00
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Questo volume è stato ideato per soddisfare le molteplici esigenze didattiche, nell’area biologica e medico-sanitaria, dell'attuale insegnamento universitario
€ 19,95 instead of € 21,00
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The authors of this book set out to produce working tool able to meet the following needs:
to offer students a necessarily concise morphological-functional framework for interpreting the metabolic processes that take place at cell and organelle level (functional cytology);
to present the processes of tissue organisation starting with the elementary processes of embryonic development and cell differentiation, without forgetting the necessary correlations with microscopic anatomy and the physiology of organs and systems (functional histology).
Each chapter or section ends with some pathological/ clinical considerations (clinical correlations). These considerations serve to highlight the cytological or histological bases of some of the main disease phenomena and to clarify the mechanisms, at cellular or tissue level, of the main genetic, malformative, teratogenic, infectious, metabolic, degenerative and neoplastic disorders.
€ 19,00 instead of € 20,00
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Nato dall’esigenza di fornire una sintetica visione d’insieme dell’istologia agli studenti di Medicina veterinaria, proponendo gli argomenti essenziali da rivedere in preparazione dell’esame di Stato, il libro, di cui occorre sottolineare l’impostazi...
€ 15,20 instead of € 16,00
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In questo volume sono descritti i fenomeni di trasporto della materia attraverso le membrane biologiche e i fenomeni elettrici e dell'eccitabilità cellulare, capitoli fondamentali per la comprensione delle funzioni più complesse, che spesso rappresen...
€ 10,45 instead of € 11,00
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La nuova edizione di questo testo universitario risponde al sempre più rapido sviluppo delle conoscenze biologiche e al profondo cambiamento a cui si assiste negli ultimi anni nell’insegnamento universitario
€ 50,99 instead of € 59,99
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